Remove Blue Jean Transfer From Car Leather Seats

A while back I shared a big issue I was having with denim transfer on the leather seats of my car. Since my leather driver's seat was so badly stained, in desperation I tried several products that normally you wouldn't use on leather after various leather cleaning products failed to work. The cleaner that worked the best at that time was Formula 409, but again, I wouldn't really recommend that for leather, I was just desperate and willing to try anything.

Though 409 got out a lot of the stain, I also ended up using a Magic Eraser after reading an article that mentioned it as a possible solution. Of course, the article stated that you had to be super careful because Magic Eraser is quite abrasive. It's not something you would want to use repeatedly on a leather seat.

After using the 409 and Magic Eraser, much of the staining was gone, but I still had dark denim stains in the deep creases of the leather. I figured there was nothing I could do about those since the 409 had not taken that out.

I continued to look for ways to remove denim transfer and eventually I came across another product with rave reviews. I decided to give it a try since I really wanted to get the rest of the stain out of my car's leather seats. Happily, it worked!

The product that got the rest of the stain out was this Super Cleaner shown below and available here: Super Cleaner.

Super Cleaner for Leather Seats Upholstery and Carpet, Works for Denim Transfer

I didn't think to take any photos of the leather car seat when I used it to get the stain out of those deep creases in the leather, but recently I used it on another chair with denim transfer and did take a few photos once I saw how awesome it was working.

The chair that needed cleaning was this non-leather desk chair here in the office.

Unfortunately, I gave the seat of the chair a once-over with the cleaner and a paper towel before I remembered to take photos. Once I saw how well it was working on the seat, that's when I thought, "Wow, I need to photograph this to share!"

You can see how bad the staining was on the seat from how much stain is visible on the paper towel. Also, look at the area on the back of the chair where I had not yet cleaned. The seat had been even darker than what you're seeing on the back of the chair!

Remove clean denim transfer, best way

Here's a better photo showing how dark the stain is on the back of the chair where the back of my jeans touched the chair whenever I sat in it.

So what you're seeing in the photo below is the seat after spraying it and wiping it down one time and the back of the chair prior to cleaning it with the cleaner.

By the way, in case you're wondering why I didn't learn from the car seat situation,  I originally did try to avoid getting denim transfer stain on this chair, but I found it absolutely miserable trying to keep it covered with a towel. The towel was always slipping down and I got so tired of rearranging it, I finally decided to remove it and just take a chance that the Super Cleaner would clean it if it did end up showing denim transfer stain.

So, how does it look now after being cleaned?

Best cleaner for removing denim transfer stains

In this photo, the whole chair had been sprayed and wiped down twice. As you can see, it took the chair pretty much back to its original state. I LOVE this cleaner!

How to remove denim transfer stains

Just wanted to share this in case you are dealing with denim transfer, too. If you decide to use this cleaner, test it in an inconspicuous spot first to make sure it works okay and doesn't fade/damage the item you're using it on. So far, it has worked great on the leather seats in my car and it did a great job on this non-leather chair.

If I had a handbag or chair with denim transfer and it was already damaged beyond hope with denim stain, I'd probably give this cleaner a try since there would be nothing to lose. But you have to be the judge of that and whether it's worth trying to clean it. I've been very pleased with how this cleaner has worked the two times I've used it.

You can read more about this Super Cleaner and read over 1,000 reviews where I purchased it here: Super Cleaner. I've been so impressed with it, I plan to never be without it in my home. In fact, I just ordered another bottle tonight, so I'll have a bottle in reserve. Hopefully, they will never stop making it!

Super Cleaner for Leather Seats Upholstery and Carpet, Works for Denim Transfer

My previous post on denim transfer can be found here: Denim Transfer: The Bain of Handbag Lovers Everywhere.

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